Just when you think your son can't get any cuter, you end up with photos like these:

We are entering the wild world of solid foods, and the results are a little hit and miss (more on that later):

Shayne has been having a ton-o-fun performing in "Forever Plaid"

Shayne volunteered Heather to make some of the props used in the show, and she ended up taking on the role of 'props mistress.' They even listed her as the props person in the show's program. Here is one of the record covers that Smudge uses during his monologue:

Heather's mom helped us with the huge project of making these arm bands for the Calypso number...
...and here's the finished product. Heather got my fruit hat from the person who threw Emily Seamons' baby shower:

This is an in-progress shot of making the gold records...

In addition to Forever Plaid, Eclipse had a few shows in September. This is us after a concert at the Spanish Fork Arts Festival. October's shirt says, "I'm with the band." His face, on the other hand, says, "It's way past my bedtime."
The day after the concert in Spanish Fork, we did a fireside at the Assembly Hall on Temple Square, which was pretty darn cool:
Here's Toby with a couple of other kids from our ward:
And here he is watching a Bears game with his dad:
And, finally, a video of Toby frolicking with his dad's hat: