Monday, August 24, 2009

Signing Time with October Taylor

So, we have had the first 6 videos in the "Signing Time" series since October was about 12 months old. We have found them extremely helpful in that they help him express himself and tell us what he wants even though he can't say the words yet. His spoken vocabulary is growing quickly (the second video was taken right after he started saying banana out loud), but he still uses signs for a lot of things.


Mommydew said...

He is adorable! Don't you just love signing time?!

Samantha said...

OO I LOVE signing time, too! We started Grayson on the baby signing time ones, and he's mastered all of those, so we're just now starting in on the regular signing times, too! I definitely think it's helped him communicate, and cuts WAY down on the tantrums! What a wonderful program, huh!! :) We'll have to get them together and they can sign to each other!! :)

Kristin said...

Cool- Heather, you are such a smart mommy!