Sunday, May 18, 2008

Costumes and Hairdos

Oh, man, this kid is cute.

And now, for your enjoyment, we present some of the more notable outfits and hairdos of the past month or so, starting with...
the Faux-Hawk:

The Dwight K. Schrute look:

The first swim party:

And, finally, commando clothing compliments of Kristy Schroeder:

See! I told you he was cute!


Mommydew said...

Ok, he is ridiculously cute! I mean there should be a law against being that stinking cute. :)

ann said...

He really is adorable! I love how much fun you guys have with him! Loved the hair-dos and the pics in the last post! What a beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Look at those handsome little eyebrows!!

Kristin said...

OH MY GOSH. He is stinkin adorable. I used to see all Shayne in him, but now I see Heather too! Love the Dwight look! :)

TheDooleys4 said...

I'm a fan of the Army Duds. He just keeps getting cuter! Guess what, Your little sis Trish is in our ward now! Excited to get to know her better.

Morgan said...

You are right he is sooo cute! I love the camo, and the faux hawk

Em-Cat said...

Holy crap that kids cute. I just want to know who his father is, cause he looks ALL Heather.

Mechelle said...

Heather! I am so glad to find you- no, chantel does not have a blog- I am the only one in my family that does- anyways- your little guys is so cute- my husband dresses our little guy up in camo all the time!

Erin Davis said...

Hey Guys! It was so fun seeing you at Pickleville. Thanks for chattin' with us after the show. Check out our blog Now you have no excuse! Love you guys!

Kristin said...

Hey! I want some new pix of this kid! And let's hang out. When? We come over, yes? Email me!

kdance said...

What a cutie! Love the Dwight shot. Marci's pics rock!