Sunday, July 6, 2008

3 months old already

Okay, so he's actually FOUR months old now, but here are some shots we took a month ago...

You never realize how much sleep means to you until you have children:
We don't know why, but October prefers a very weird sleeping position:

It doesn't matter what position we lay him down in, he will eventually end up looking like this:

He's really been growing, and we have these next few photos to prove it. Here he is on his boppy at 1 month old:

And again at 3 months old:

His bouncer at 1 month:

And at 3 months:

We'll end this post with a couple of really cute videos. This first one is of the Tobester giving his mom some great giggles:

And this one is but a glimpse of the ever active legs of October Shayne Taylor:


Mommydew said...

Ok, I have to say that Heather sounds so happy in that video of Toby laughing. Also October looks like just a little man in that older shot of him in the boppy. Wow, he is cute, cute, cute!

Kristin said...

Wow! It's amazing to see the shots of how much he has grown! He has the sweetest face. And I love the videos- I can't believe that kicking action! I like how you can hear Shayne mutter something in the background about how it neeever stops. I wonder if he will play a lower-extremity-intensive sport when he grows up? It looks liek he's riding a bike! BTW, Shayne I like your hair! Also, I miss you guys? When we hang out? Wow, what a comprehensive comment I have made here.

Kristin said...

Oh, oh! And I so love his sleeping position. How cool is that?