Tuesday, August 10, 2010

October & Isis: Jan-Apr 2010

Here are some random photos of the kids during the first part of this year (when Isis was 2-6 months old):

Tober really likes his little sister, but he's not always as gentle with her as we would like him to be:
Isis, however, is not completely defenseless:
We are constantly telling October not to step on Isis or climb on top of her or knock her over or hit her with things he's holding accidentally (or on purpose):
In spite of the abuse she takes on a daily basis, Isis ADORES October. It is so cute to watch her watch him and laugh at things he does. It is also cute to see October trying to make her laugh. Also, when we get her out of bed in the morning, he usually exclaims (in a high, sing-songy voice), "Good morning, baby Isis!"
We may be biased, but we think they are both pretty darn adorable:

Here are some examples of how October likes to involve his sister in playtime:

And, here are some more shots of the kids together:

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